The Impact of a Favorite Children’s Book on Our Adult Life

This is a 10-week seminar, starting on February 23, 2017

Moderator:                Pam Daniels
Co-moderator:        Janice Dore
Day and Time:         Thursday 9:30-11:30
Format:                      Seminar
Location:                   Loomis Village, So. Hadley
                                       (free parking on site)

When you read a book as a child, it becomes part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your life does (Nora Ephron). To consider a beloved book as a cornerstone of life ethos, choices and experience.

Participants will present a book read as a child or young adult that greatly informed their life viewpoints and expectations.  Issues to discuss may include the story’s geographic, historical and/or socio-economic setting, characterization (e.g., humor, family dynamics), myth or mystery, etc.  For example, protagonist Jo March of Little Women served as a model for one moderator’s adult life of financial independence, family caretaker and the ability to earn income with writing.

Role of participants:
Participants will be acting as advocates / spokespeople for their book (much as survivors in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451).  They may want to recommend that their book continue to ‘live’ on in the published world, perhaps fostering continuation of publishing itself.
Each session will involve two presentations of 30-40 minutes with time for discussion. In the event that two or more participants choose the same beloved book, we recommend a group panel dynamic for that one session.

Resources:Participants will provide their own primary book. If not still available to the presenter, the book may be obtained from the local library, local or online booksellers, and/or possibly from the moderators.
The moderator(s) may also develop a resource list to promote discussion of its macro environment. For example, Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Children’s Book, edited by Anita Silvey, can be found in the above venues and will be made available for review at each session.


About the Moderators:
Pam Daniels. MLS, MPA.  As a retired government policy wonk, I’ve recovered my childhood’s curiosity about the universe, both macro- and micro-cosms, and wonder why.
Janice Dore. MLS, EdD  Nostalgia plays an important part of my relationship with children’s lit, having walked to the small town library during recess when I was in the first grade, then sitting on the floor, avidly perusing the collection. What a wonderful gift!